17 December 2021

‘Cooling the climate for 10,000 years’: How saving wetlands can help save the world

A cloudberry ripe for the picking in a Scandinavian bog. Image in the public domain.

ABSTRACT: "From the vast frozen mires of the arctic to the peat swamps of Asia: “all wetlands are under threat,” said Jane Madgwick, CEO of Wetlands International. “We’re losing them three times as fast as forests." Peat swamps, or peatlands, are particularly effective at storing carbon, which has accumulated over centuries and even millennia as dead plant matter became trapped in waterlogged soil. But if drained or otherwise damaged, peat quickly turns from carbon sink to carbon source. As nations race to protect and replant forests in an effort to curtail global warming, wetlands experts such as Madgwick are urging leaders to place similar importance on wetland conservation and restoration.

READ MORE: https://news.mongabay.com/2021/12/cooling-the-climate-for-10000-years-how-saving-wetlands-can-help-save-the-world/

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