12 November 2019

Insect decline more extensive than suspected

Insect decline more extensive than suspected

Abstract: "Compared to a decade ago, today the number of insect species in many areas has decreased by about one-third. This is the result of a survey of an international research team led by scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The loss of species mainly affects grasslands in the vicinity of intensively farmed land—but also applies to forests and protected areas...Since 2008, they have measured a decrease of approximately 40 percent of insect biomass in the forests they studied. In grasslands, the results were even more alarming: At the end of the study period, the insect biomass decreased to only one-third of its former level."

Read More: https://m.phys.org/news/2019-10-insect-decline-extensive.html? fbclid=IwAR3qno4uh0RVcBBbMH8ZURDKXKAuoA6tvXxekfgIrUPMr7ToCQcv3c8mgcg

What we lose when animals go extinct

Abstract: "More than 28,000 species of animals and plants that the International Union for Conservation of Nature says are threatened with extinction. That number actually understates the risk."

Read More: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/09/vanishing-what-we-lose-when-an-animal-goes-extinct-feature/? cmpid=org%3Dngp%3A%3Amc%3Dcrm-email%3A%3Asrc%3Dngp%3A%3Acmp%3Deditorial%3A%3Aadd%3DSunStills_20190929&rid=CF5501E494DA44A3FF125BB727209E15&fbclid=IwAR0Kf6aurySMlm3-U2UFmpWUCEkSckwOrd36iBmWc3kYJWQ1oYP4lv3fsIw